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Ch 21 Killer Queen

Friday, October 11, 2013

Character Profile: Albert and Melvin

This is the mesmerizing Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk who served for my inspiration for Albert. Brian Kinney is one of the most narcissistic, misogynistic, self-centered, and cold-hearted gay characters I have ever seen. Despite his personality, Brian is no dud; he's sexy, good looking, cunning, and street smart.

He's also a masochist, he likes to put himself in risky situations, Albert is different from Brian in several aspects; for one Brian is the cliche promiscuous gay man who sleeps around with every guy in town, while Albert on the other hand likes meaningful relationships.
They do share similarities. This picture is a perfect embodiment of both Brian and Albert, just lounging around the house with nothing on but some pair of jeans. Like Brian, Albert can be blunt about certain things and about others he will completely lie about to protect others. When he broke up with Ronnie he flat out explained to him that he had found the love of his life.

This is Justin and Brian from Queer as Folk. Justin was Brian's only boyfriend the entire series, their attraction started from episode 1 until the very end. And the only person Brian admits to love. Justin had minimal involvement in the creation of Melvin, Justin seemed too young, too inexperienced, too fragile to handle someone like Albert so i was inspired give Albert the partner he deserves.
This is Corbin Bleu, the face of Melvin. Melvin is Albert's rock. His calculative, rational, and pensive nature gives Albert that balance that makes them complete. Although it may not seem like it, Albert loves Melvin a great deal, and he basically tore out his heart to break up with him. Albert knows he's on a fast track to a life of failure and had no intention of dragging Melvin along. I wouldn't give up on these two just yet.

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